My Beauty Dairy Mask Sheet Sake Yeast review

🍢 whitening & moisturising 🍢 

This mask gives me a feeling of love and hate at the same time…πŸ’–πŸ’”

I got this at a local store that has the minimal amount of skincare products they are like a 2 dollar shop or convenient store and they have sell mostly Japanese products mostly.

Now back to the mask: 

The package is cute and small, the mask sheet is folded with a white foil inside which makes it easier to unwrap, has a light dry salt plum or rice wine smell which I love.

The fitting is OK for me on the other hand, I love the essence is clear liquid water, no stickyness, easily absorb, fast drying and refreshing. Gives me similar feeling as to the Hada Labo lotion but this is a water liquid as the Hada Labo has a more texture liquid if you know what I mean. There are still a lot of essence left in the package after I use pull the mask out which I can use on my arms and legs. 

But I hate the quality of the mask material, it doesn't hold the essence at all, the essence drips everywhere, even when I got it out of the package. When I had it on my face it's dripping down on my chins and chest. Also because of that I can't have the mask on my face for too long around 5 minutes then I have to pull it off as it is getting dry which is a shame because I love everything else about the mask. 

After use: my face is radient, brighten a bit but doesn't last long, not much of a hydrating effect but for me but it's enough (oily skin). It’s also refreshing, nice to use in summer time, calms the redness of my acne and my cheeks. My face feels a lot smoother and when I applied my next layer of skincare on, it absorb better. 

For those of you who like to see the Ingredients here is an image I took:

Sorry I did the best I could but the printing and my camera and that's the result.

I hope they do improve the mask material but this is the older version or older collection of their range.I would love to try their newer version.

What's your thought about using MyBeautyDairy love to hear your review?
 ...Hope I didn't brought a fake mask sheet.

And what mask sheet have you tried from MyBeautyDairy that you recommend for me to try?


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